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Ángel Arteaga Resume


"Foster-Kennedy Syndrome by chondrosarcoma". S.E.O. Congress Sevilla September 1992 (Panel).

"Capsulotomy results Neodymium-YAG Laser". Ophthalmological Society Meeting in Madrid. October 1992 (Communication Oral).

"Epitheliopathy in plates". S.E.O. Congress Sevilla in September. 1992 (Panel).

"Creeping Choroiditis". S.E.O. Congress Santiago de Compostela 1993 (Panel)

"The small incision cataract surgery and manual fragmentation". S.E.O. Congress Santiago de Compostela. 1993 (Panel).

"Radiation retinopathy by Iridium 192 brachytherapy in uveal melanomas". S.E.O. Congress Santiago de Compostela 1993. (Communication Oral).

"Fragmentation PMMA implant manually and independently associated with Trabeculectomy". CECOIR.Oviedo. May 1994 (Video)

"Uveitis and sensorineural hearing loss as a presentation of neurosarcoidosis". Conference on Sarcoidosis. Barcelona. March 1995. (Communication Oral).

"Contrast sensitivity in multifocal IOL AMO ARRAY 25NB MPC". SECOIR.Pamplona.Abril 1995 (Communication Oral).

"Retinal hemorrhages in visceral leishmaniasis". S.E.O. Congress Salamanca 1995 (Panel).

"Circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas". S.E.O. Congress Salamanca 1995. (Communication Oral).

"Ophthalmic ultrasound in the diagnosis of Carotid Cavernous Fistulas". S.E.O. Congress Salamanca 1995. (Communication Oral).

"Carotid cavernous fistulas: diagnosis, clinical and treatment". S.E.O. Congress Salamanca 1995. (Communication Oral).

"Verification intraoperative ultrasound placement Iridium threads 192 on choroidal melanoma". S.E.O. Congress Salamanca 1995 (Communication Oral).

"Fundus in hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Vasculopathies obstructive". III Course ophthalmology in primary care. Clinica Puerta de Hierro. Madrid. 1995. (Communication Oral).

"Neuro-ophthalmological Sarcoidosis". S.E.O. Congress Madrid. 1996 (Panel)

"Morning Glory syndrome associated bilateral transsphenoidal encephalocele". S.E.O. Congress Madrid. 1996 (Communication Panel)

"Tumors vasoproliferative". S.E.O. Congress Madrid 1996 (Communication Oral).

"Parameters location orbital ultrasound ophthalmic vein". Madrid Congress of Ophthalmology Soc. Madrid. 1996. (Communication Panel)

"Paralytic Ectropion". Second Conference on Oculoplasty. April 2002. Madrid.

"Acantomoeba" panel communication Murcia SEO 2002.

"Golden Rules microincision". Allen d Pascual, Pascual Agúndez AM, Jimenez Vales F, Arteaga Sánchez A. Panel Communication Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology. October 2003

"Two atypical cases of infectious posterior uveitis". Ramon Castroviejo Ophthalmology Seminar of December 20, 2003.

Seminar Maphre. Teresa Vozmediano, Angel Arteaga. Ocular Traumatology 2004-10-01

"Reconstruction of external canthal defects associated with concurrent deficits upper and lower eyelid flap Tenzel a modified". Vozmediano T, Arteaga Sanchez A SEO oral communication 2004

"Importance of collaboration between ophthalmologists and primary care physicians in the diagnosis and early treatment of eyelid lesions". Vozmediano T, Arteaga Sanchez A. SEO Communication poster 2004

"Comparative study dacryocystorhinostomy after dacryocystorhinostomy and nasolacrimal stent". Toledano Fernandez N, Garcia Saenz S, Arteaga Sanchez A, Vozmediano T. SEO Oral Communication 2004

"Single treatment with topical interferon extensive CIN". Diaz Valle D, T Diaz Valle, Angel Arteaga Sánchez. Ramon Castroviejo.23 Ophthalmology Seminar June 2005

"Treatment with interferon only in CIN extensive". David Diaz Valle, Angel Arteaga Sánchez. Clinical cases and maneuvers Communication quirúrgicas.SEO Zaragoza 2005

Orbital metastasis of laryngeal carcinoma Dr. Angel SANCHEZ ARTEAGA Dr. Santos Fuentemilla S RODRÍGUEZ. 85 congress octal Espa. Santander 23-26 September 2009

Subspecialty Day. Congress Madrid Society of Ophthalmology. New concepts in lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Teresa Vozmediano. Angel Arteaga. Antonio Vallejo. December 2010

Orbital cellulitis and amaurosis immunocompetent adult chickenpox. Santos Fuentemilla. Angel Arteaga. Clinical Cases and Surgical Operations. 87th Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology. 21 to 24 September 2011. Oviedo

Intolerance versus orbital prosthesis infection. Case report. Silvia Virseda. Teresa Vozmediano. Angel Arteaga. XXII Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Orbital Surgery. June 14, 2012 Badajoz oral com.

Exposure Reconstruction of orbital prosthesis. Jessica Palomares. Teresa Vozmediano. Angel Arteaga. XXII Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Orbital Surgery. Badajoz June 14, 2012. Com panel