Consulta Online
Env铆eme su caso
Clínica Suárez Leoz
914 471 114
C/ Modesto Lafuente 9
28010 Madrid
Cirug铆a Ocular de Madrid
915 913 019
Pza Conde Valle Suchil 6
28015 Madrid
Cl铆nica Dermatol贸gica Internacional
914 449 797
C/ Marqu茅s de Villamagna 8
28001 Madrid

Send me your case

Send me your photo, filling the form listed below.

The photo should clearly show your face, preferably without a smile.

Note: The file must be 5 MB or less. If you want to send more than one photo, compress them into a ZIP file.

All photos get directly to me, are not stored anywhere online and are eliminated after the consultation.

  • Enter your name

  • Enter your email address

  • Choose the photograph you want to send

  • Enter an aditional message

    Recargar la imagen

    Type the security code shown

The data collected will be used for the sole purpose of making an initial study of your case and contact you to notify the result.

After the study, data will be destroyed