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Clínica Suárez Leoz
914 471 114
C/ Modesto Lafuente 9
28010 Madrid
Cirug铆a Ocular de Madrid
915 913 019
Pza Conde Valle Suchil 6
28015 Madrid
Cl铆nica Dermatol贸gica Internacional
914 449 797
C/ Marqu茅s de Villamagna 8
28001 Madrid
How important are the eyelids in appearance and facial expression?
Is surgery the only solution to all problems affecting the eyelids?
Can an ophthalmologist perform eyelid surgery?
What are the main causes of damage to the eyelids?
Does my insurance cover eyelid surgery?
What is the difference between cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery?
What are the main differences between drooping eyelid, bags and sagging eyebrows?
How safe is eyelid surgery?
How long does the surgery take?
Can surgery be performed on dry eyes?
Is laser used when operating the eyelids?
What type of anesthesia will I need?
What is the ideal age to operate?
How long do results last?
Will I look too artificial after eyelid surgery?
Is eyelid surgery very precise or exact?
Can I see examples of patients before and after surgery?
Can I have surgery if I take blood thinners?
Is the surgery painful?
How do I need to prepare myself prior to surgery?
What are the advantages of outpatient surgery?
When will my stitches be removed?
What care will I need after surgery?
When can I wear contact lenses?
When can I drive, read or watch TV?
Can I use makeup after surgery?
When will I be able to return to work?
Will scars be noticeable?